
MRI Driven Augmented Reality Image-Guidance Platform for Myocardial Cell Delivery

Published in International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2019

This paper aims to evaluate the accuracy of optical see-through head-mounted displays for displaying preoperative image data and guiding surgery.

Recommended citation: Doughty, M., Weyers, J., Qi, X., Wright, G.A., & Ghugre, N.R. (2019). "MRI Driven Augmented Reality Image-Guidance Platform for Myocardial Cell Delivery." ISMRM.

Assessing Functional and Structural Connectivity in ex-Professional Athletes

Published in International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017

Through a detailed magnetic resonance imaging protocol, this work investigates the consequences of sports-related concussions on long-term brain health.

Recommended citation: Doughty, M., Noseworthy, Ruiter, K. I., Boshra, R., M., & Connolly, J. F. (2017). "Assessing Functional and Structural Connectivity in ex-Professional Athletes." ISMRM.